Construction equipment has been buzzing for some time in the Sermin area, where the Luka Koper is developing a new external Truck Terminal which will cover 52,000 square metres of land. This is an investment that, due to the special way in which the soil is being consolidated, is being carried out in several phases. The new Truck Terminal will offer 203 parking spaces for trucks.

The contractor, Kolektor CPG, d.o.o., is expected to complete the filling of the entire area of Sermin, where the Truck Terminal will be built, by mid-March. In the pre-construction phase, the contractor first laid vertical drains to promote consolidation of the terrain, using a special technique. This is a process of driving strips about 10 centimetres wide and 10 metres deep into the terrain, allowing water to penetrate from the depths, thus settling, compacting and consolidating the soil. On top of this, a layer of flinty material about one metre thick will be added from the tunnelling work on the lower part of the Second Rail Line construction site. The preload embankment, which will then have to ‘settle’ for about six months, is crucial to ensure the necessary load-bearing capacity of the soil. Construction of the new terminal is expected to start early next year.