Luka Koper, d.d. is a successful company oriented towards comprehensive quality of operations.

Quality means satisfying and anticipating the needs and expectations of our customers: buyers, employees, shareholders and the environment.
Our goal is to establish what the customers want and to direct internal processes in such a way that they get the desired. In doing so we rely on the international quality standards and the principles of business excellence we introduced and linked into a uniform system – a system of management.

The comprehensive management system includes requirements of various systems and other special requirements:

  • quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001;
  • a system of dealing with the environment in accordance with ISO 14001 and EMAS,
  • provision of appropriate foodstuffs according to ISO 22000;
  • occupational health and safety management system ISO 45001;
  • energy management system according to ISO 50001:
  • management system for the prevention of corruption according to ISO 37001;
  • storage and transshipment of feed stuff on the Dry bulk terminal is carried out following requirements of GMP+ B3 standard,
  • NON GMO system for separate handling and warehousing of non-genetically modified soya,
  • the ECO standard certificates the production, processing, sorting, packaging, warehousing and transport of organic food and foodstuff with the valid regulation for ecological farming. The requirements are met on the reefer, general cargo and dry bulk terminal,
  • the AEO certification testifies to the fact that the Luka Koper customs zone is a safe area, and that cargo transported via the Port of Koper is subject to a very low degree of risk,
  • our liquid cargoes terminal is ISCC EU certificated for all type of biomass, which are included in ISCC EU system following the EC Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources,
  • the SEVESO directive, which deals with major accident hazard,
  • the ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security),
  • the GRI – Global Reporting Initiative.

Our activities are constantly focused towards new standards and we strive to upgrade the integrated.

The Management system in Luka Koper has to be systematically upgraded.

Overview of quality management systems devlopment

Luka Koper was among the first European ports which organised its entire operations according to international quality standards.

The milestones in the development:

  • 1994 – the principles of quality start being integrated in the company's working systems and practice,
  • 1997 – the ISO 9002 certificate is acquired for conformity of the quality system with the relevant standards,
  • 1998 – the business excellence model starts being introduced in operations,
  • 1999 – first self-assessment is made in line with the EFQM model,
  • 2000 –  the ISO 14001 certificate for managing the environment is acquired,
  • 2002 – the company receives the Business Excellence Award from the Republic of Slovenia,
  • 2003 – the ISO 9001:2000 certificate is obtained,
  • 2004 – the HACCP system is introduced in the trade in foodstuffs and the PC Dry Bulk Cargo Terminal is awarded the Non GMO Certificate according to the requirements of the BRC Standard for  the Supply of Identity Preserved Non-Genetically Modified Food Ingredients and Products,
  • 2005 – the company becomes a member of the European Foundation for Quality Management  (EFQM).
  • 2005 – the company receives the European Business Excellence Award
  • 2006 – the company enters the competition for the most prestigious European Business Excellence Award, and becomes an Excellence Award Finalist
  • 2007 – the ISO 22000:2005 (including HACCP plan) food safety management system is obtained
  • 2008 – the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 occupational health and safety management system is acquired
  • 2009 – renewal evaluation of the ISO 9001:2008 management system and reintegration in the process for the EFQM Business Excellence Award,
  • 2010 – obtained EMAS certificate, EMAS system is a tool for systematic environmental management,
  • 2011 – obtained AEO certificate by gaining Authorised Economic Operator status,
  • 2012 – obtained Organic (ECO) certificate for PC Dry bulk terminal,
  • 2013 – obtained Organic (ECO) certificate for PC General cargo terminal – Fruit terminal.
  • 2014 – obtained ISCC EU certificate for Liquid Cargoes terminal
  • 2015 – obtained GMP+ B3 standard certificate for system of storage and transhipment of feed stuff
  • 2017 – transition to ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 standard certificate for management system
  • 2020 – obtained ISO 50001:2018 for energy management system, transition to ISO 45001:2018; transition to ISO 22000:2018
  • 2024 – obtained ISO 37001:2016 for the management system for the prevention of corruption

Quality certificates

ISO 9001:2015

Ensuring customer satisfaction is the number one priority of the company's business policy. For this reason the acquisition of the quality certificate represents an additional challenge to constantly improve our services. The quality certificate obtained by Luka Koper, d.d. proves that the company has an established and properly maintained quality system in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 international standards.

The company was awarded the certificate by the internationally accredited Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology in Ljubljana, which is also a member of the international association IQNet.

The ISO 9001 quality certificate is a confirmation of our efforts and investments in assuring constant quality of basic and additional port services, and not least of all, meeting the expectations of our customers.

ISO 14001:2015

Nowadays, more and more organisations strive to achieve and demonstrate a proper attitude towards the environment. This means that they know and control the impacts of their activities, products and services on the environment.
Luka Koper, d.d. is no exception. Preservation of the environment and a system for dealing with the environment in the narrower and broader area influenced by Luka Koper, d.d. are becoming increasingly important components of the comprehensive quality system.
Thus, monitoring and controlling environmental impacts is turning into one of the company's regular activities. Our procedures and operation focus on the prevention of conditions which could endanger the environment or the health and safety of people. The established environment management system is systematic and well-planned, integrated into the business system of Luka Koper, and is supported and carried out by all employees.

The company also received the ISO 14001 certificate for its environment management system set up according to international standards. In 2017 the certificate was upgraded to ISO 14001:2015 standard.

Responsible attitude towards natural and living environment is reflected in:

  • consistent implementation of the environmental policy,
  • raising the awareness of the employees as regards preventive actions and rational use of energy sources,
  • and investments in environmental programmes.

ISO 22000:2018

Due to binding regulatory provisions and additional improvement of the quality of foodstuff handling and warehousing services, we decided to set up the HACCP system of internal supervision and to integrate it in the existing management system.

This is a comprehensive system, enabling identification, assessment, measures and supervision over harmful agents (microbiological, chemical and physical) potentially present in foodstuffs which can represent a health hazard. The system provides supervision over the entire handling and warehousing process of a certain food product and constant supervision at those points in foodstuffs trade where risk may occur.
The goal of the system is greater safety of foodstuffs, ensuring that a food product is not harmful to the consumer's health.

The established HACCP system means that the company can supervise the entire handling and warehousing process as well as all other activities involving foodstuffs, since it is aware that this process, which is partly in our hands, has a huge influence on the final quality of foodstuffs.

The HACCP system was in 2007 upgraded with certification under ISO Standard 22000 – “Food safety management systems – a requirements for any organisation in the food chain"

ISO 50001:2018

At Luka Koper we are committed to addressing our impact, conserving resources and improving the bottom line through efficient energy management.

ISO 45001:2018

In Luka Koper health and safety plays an important role of our daily activities. Company is assuring that all employees perform their job safely and healthy, without any negative effects. Occupational health and safety management system is systematic, planned and integrated in our company management system and is supported and performed by all employees.

International standard ISO 45001:2018 Health and safety management system specifies requirements for the occupational health and safety system, to enable the organization to control its risks and improve its performance.

ISO 37001:2016

In planning and designing activities to establish and maintain a management system for the prevention of corruption, Luka Koper analyses and takes into account the context of the organisation, the needs and expectations of the identified stakeholders and assesses the risks of corruption at the level of the organisation on a regular basis, and at least annually, whenever there is a change in the assessment.

Business excellence (EFQM)

»It is not enough merely to undertake what is written, and follow the established standards. We must set and appropriately validate ever greater objectives, as well as accomplish and constantly improve our results« is the principle that guides us towards business excellence.

1999 – Luka Koper embarks on the pursuit of business excellence as a process of transformation and ongoing change. In order to systematically define the areas to be improved, the company introduced self-assessment in accordance with the EFQM business excellence model.

2001 – Improvements in every area of operation remain constant and ongoing. The compliance of operations is regularly measured through self-assessment in accordance with the criteria of the European model of business excellence. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia bestows Luka Koper with a special award for outstanding progress in the implementation of the business excellence model.

2002 – The company attains the National Award for Business Excellence, granted each year by the state to companies and organisations for achievements in the field of product, service and performance quality. This honour was granted in the category of service provision enterprises with over 250 employees.
2004 – The culture of excellence is promoted among employees. Self-assessment – in accordance with the EFQM model – is performed across all divisions, as well as within the Luka Koper INPO and Luka Koper Pristan subsidiaries.
2005 – Luka Koper becomes a member of the European Foundation for Business Excellence, and participates in the Recognised for Excellence assessment procedure for the European Business Excellence Award, which it goes on to win. By way of this achievement, Luka Koper becomes the first Slovenian service-sector company to gain such an accolade.
2006 – Luka Koper enters the competition for the most prestigious European Business Excellence Award, and becomes an Excellence Award Finalist  – yet further proof of the company’s competitiveness amongst the very best enterprises in Europe.


The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a premium management instrument developed by the European Commission for companies and other organisations to evaluate, report, and improve their environmental performance.


The company has set up a system ensuring separate handling and storage of genetically unmodified goods, whereby the risk of goods being contaminated by genetically modified goods is eliminated. Thanks to the introduction of this system, Luka Koper has additionally improved the quality of its services, as the customers are now guaranteed that the identity of the goods is preserved.

ISCC EU Certificate

Our liquid cargoes terminal is ISCC EU certificated for all type of biomass, which are included in ISCC EU system following the EC Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.

Organic (ECO) Certificate

This document certificates the production, processing, sorting, packaging, warehousing and transport of organic food and foodstuff with the valid regulation for ecological farming. We operate in accordance with this regulation within all phases of handling and storing operations in order to preserve the qualities of a ecological produce.

AEO Certificate

Luka Koper has an AEO certificate, thereby gaining Authorised Economic Operator status. AEO certification testifies to the fact that the Luka Koper customs zone is a safe area, and that cargo transported via the Port of Koper is subject to a very low degree of risk.

The number of Luka Koper AEO certificate is: SIAEOSSI001000201131452


Storage and transhipment of feed stuff is carried out following requirements of GMP+ standard.