The development of harmonized mechanisms of cooperation among freight transport stakeholders is essential to strengthen environmentally-friendly multimodal transport in CE regions.

TalkNET focuses on the improvement of the coordination of stakeholders to foster the integration between ports/inland terminals and transport operators and enhance efficient and sustainable multimodal logistics nodes. Main objective is the integration between ports, inland terminal and transport operators and the efficient management of terminals and last mile connections to enhance multimodal freight transport solutions. Main changes expected are the establishment of transnational coordination stakeholders networks for freight transport, the effective integration among port/inland terminals and transport operators and the enhancement and optimization of multimodal logistics nodes management and connections. The transnational added value of the project is enhanced through a transnational thematic clusters dimension linked to two macro topics – multimodal nodes efficiency and connections and ECO innovation solutions, bringing together main ports, inland terminals and logistics players. The project positively benefits the competitiveness of freight transport and support public actors in the decision making process. These results is achieved through the development and implementation of common knowledge tools, pilot actions and trainings to support investments on terminal management efficiency, new intermodal services, last mile connections and on the deployment of alternative fuels and energy efficiency solutions. Approach is innovative because it is focused on the optimization of existing infrastructures (not planning new ones) and in the development of common solutions in strong coordination with transport stakeholders. A learning loop has been defined starting from the definition of five knowledge tools that are improved at the end of the project through the experience acquired.

The role of Luka Koper in the project TalkNET is the role of the project partner with the aim to contribute in all activities of the project and to built together with the project partners on the basis of analysis action plans, pilot actions; exchange experience in knowledge management and to realize investments or services that bring added value to the Port of Koper, to the project partners and to whole the project area. The benefit for the Port of Koper from participating in the project is: realization of better connections – services and cooperation with logistic nodes in the project area, exchange experience between project partners and their enterprises, common findings and understanding of logistic obstacles for better connections and services between logistic nodes in the project area.